The GMS Magazine Podcast: Interview with Graeme Davis. Mythic Britain & Ireland.

Mythic Britain & Ireland is the supplement for Free League’s Vaesen written by Graeme Davis and that came to Kickstarter with great success.

I had the chance to ask Graeme about the book, how it came to be, what it contains and what makes it worthy of attention. Also about his experience with Free League and creating creatures for the Year Zero Engine.


Mythic Britain & Ireland:
A Scandinavian Bibliography:
Creatures from Britain, Ireland, and Scandinavia, pulished through the Free League Workshop:
GURPS Faerie:
C&S Folklore Bestiary:

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Paco and Martin are a couple who love playing games and recording videos about them. Paco has been playing RPGs since he discovered Dragonlance in 1984 and found his love for Boardgames in 2007. He’s an avid reader and has a very keen interest in gaming and the people who make them.

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