The G*M*S Magazine Podcast Episode 56–Shadows Over Scotland with Stuart Boon

SOS Cover.inddTo get your first book published is a bit of a feat. To get it published and then winning award after award it’s quite something else.

Shadows Over Scotland won the Origins Award this year and also the Ennie for the best setting at GenCon. To achieve that is quite incredible and for Stuart Boon this has been quite an incredible year!

Cubicle 7 is making quite a habit of releasing good quality materials and this is indeed no exception. With already a plethora of books in their catalogue to make most companies very envious, their ability to get things right seems to be getting better and better.

Stuart_Boon_PortraitIn my interview, I spoke to Stuart about the way he developed the game, the mythos, his mythos input and what makes SoS a great book, but also what was left behind and what is to come for this Canadian who has proven, beyond any doubt, that he can write like a true pro!

And there is a giveaway! Rules in the podcast!

Remember you can always send your questions and comments to and follow me on Twitter: @gmsmagazine

Hope you enjoy the show!

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