We’re nearly there for the Christmas season and we are hard at work to bring you three podcasts before we go away!
This one is a long-ish interview with the mighty Patrick Kapera and the no-less-mighty Alex Flagg about the super-mighty Misborn Adventure, the game based on Brandon Sanderson’s acclaimed novels.
We talk about the origins of the game, the relationship with the author, the mechanics, magic system, releases… anything you can think of.
Now, a question for you… when is gathering information for your game character meta-gaming?
Dale and I talk about when looking for information so your character can use it in-game is a legitimate thing to do, and when it becomes a cheater’s tool that could spoil the fun for everyone and make the GM’s life a misery!
And there is a plea for help. We need to find people for our forthcoming shows and we need your help.
Hope you enjoy the show!
You can listen to the podcast by clicking on the images below