Welcome back to the G*M*S Magazine Podcast, the RPG Edition.
Ever wondered what moves a villain? What makes a necromancer want to turn anyone and everyone into undead? Why the lust for power some villains and archvillains seem to have? Well, Thilo poised that question to us and Dale and I have a bit of a chat about that.
Exceptionally enough, we also talk videogames and, specifically, we talk about Mass Effect 3, the last and latest in the trilogy that is really defining the way videogames should tell stories.
We finish the podcast with an interview with Richard Iorio, the creator of Colonial Gothic and Rogue Games. Colonial Gothic is based around the time of the War of Independence in that led to the separation of the United States from the United Kingdom. I talk to Richard about the genesis of the game, the present and the future.
And the future is lovely!
Hope you enjoy the game!
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