
Thunderstone Heart of Doom

It’s been almost a year since I started playing Thunderstone with my review of Dragonspire. Since then I’ve bought and played every expansion and promo with the sole exception of the 2nd promo (‘Cause it’s outta stock). Heart of Doom will close out the series and with a little creative re-jigging of my Dragonspire box, it will also fill my box with only enough room for a couple more promos.

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Evolution is a English translation of a Russian Card Game from Right Games, which they were kind enough to send to me.

Lets take a look inside…

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Unboxed often runs behind the curve, reviewing games from five or even ten years ago, Valdora though only came out in 2009 and there was quite a buzz about this new Michael Schacht title, now however the game seems to have faded quietly into the night, with only the barest of mentions.

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You are Indiana Jones (although you may look like a skittle style pawn) racing through the jungles of Cambodia towards the sacred Bakong temple in search of emeralds. To make it through you’ll need to have the right equipment and plenty of space in your pack to haul the loot out. Race through jungles, into caves, over quicksand, across rivers, down waterfalls and up cliffs, and triumph as the best treasure hunter of all.

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