
Sentinels of the Multiverse

Sentinels has done a wonderful job of making a name for itself since it surprised everyone in 2011. Each of its expansions seems to have been very well received and I was accordingly very pleased to get to borrow this one. The cooperative game is themed around being comic book super heroes fighting a variety of villains in a variety of environments and this theme pervades every aspect of the game.

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The G*M*S Magazine Podcast Episode 38 – Marvel RPG with Cam Banks and a surprise guest!

Thanks to Margaret Weis Productions, we can now enjoy the Marvel RPG. A new game based on the Cortex Plus system that has been designed to bring the comic books to life. Philippe Menard gave us a very good insight about this game in episode 32, but I thought we needed more, so I invited Cam Banks to come to the podcast and answer a few questions about the game. Of course being the inquisitive being I am, I couldn’t stop on the Marvel RPG and asked him about more things. Tons more things!

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