
Sentinels of the Multiverse

Sentinels has done a wonderful job of making a name for itself since it surprised everyone in 2011. Each of its expansions seems to have been very well received and I was accordingly very pleased to get to borrow this one. The cooperative game is themed around being comic book super heroes fighting a variety of villains in a variety of environments and this theme pervades every aspect of the game.

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Unboxing Sentinels of the Multiverse 2nd Edition, Rook City and Infernal Relics. And more!

Catching by surprise even the designers and publishers of this game, its success has been pretty amazing and the reception from the fandom pretty unanimous. The only thing everyone complained about in the first edition was the box. Barely big enough to hold the cards and indeed not big enough to hold them if you sleeved them.

After the first edition came Rook City. Better box and better packaging. Then Richard Launius joined the Greater than Games team and helped with Infernal Relics. Things got better and better.

Unboxing Sentinels of the Multiverse 2nd Edition, Rook City and Infernal Relics. And more! Read Post »

The G*M*S Magazine Podcast Boardgame Edition–Chris Badell and Richard Launius

This is a special episode. It’s special because, for the first time ever, we have a guest for the second time. This has happened in the RPG podcast, but not in the boardgame one.

But first things first. Mark, Lorien and myself give you some quick reviews of some games, Start Trek, Cave Evil and others get a mention after we’ve been playing them, and if you needed to know if you want these games or not, you might be interested in what we have to say.

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