
The G*M*S Magazine Podcast Episode 103–Obatron Productions with Vickey and Robert Beaver

This episode brings you an interview with Vickey and Robert Beaver from Obatron Productions.

You might know Vickey as she is a regular in the show and co-hosts the RPG episodes, but I wanted to have them both to talk about their company and recent Kickstarter for their Savage Worlds campaign setting Tunse’al.

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Totems of the Dead Preview–Characters

I recently got a chance to take an advance look at Totems of the Dead by Gun Metal Games, makers of Interface Zero. Showing diversity in their publishing plans, Totems of the Dead is nothing at all like Interface Zero, which is a great cyberpunk setting for Savage Worlds. Totems of the Dead, on the other hand, is a swords and sorcery setting based on Native American myths and culture.

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The Path of Kane: A Review

The Path of Kane by Pinnacle Entertainment Group is part of the Savage World campaign setting which is based on the work of Robert Howard. This particular product is 225 pages of adventure goodness. The aesthetics of the work are beautiful. The typesetting and graphic design are bold and endearing. The artwork is brilliantly selected – it is raw and untamed which reflects the setting.

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Take up your axe and raise the dragon’s head upon the longship’s prow! The time has come to brave the frozen empires of the savage north. Here honor is more common than steel, trolls and giants battle the gods, and a hero lives by strength of arm and reckless courage. Northlands is a 114-page sourcebook detailing the icy northern realms – their geography, culture and magic.

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Tommy’s Take on Savage Suzerain

Savage Suzerain is a dimension-hopping Savage Setting by Savage Mojo, and it’s darn pretty…but then, most books graphically designed by Aaron Acevedo seem to be. I previously reviewed the very impressive Shangai Vampocalypse, using the free version of Savage Suzerain as my guide. That sparked me to pick up the full version.

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