
Consumerism, Criticism, And The Bernays Effect On The Board Game Industry

There has been a great deal of hand-wringing about the lack of what people are calling “true criticism” in the board game industry, of late. What the hand-wringers are wringing wildly about is the idea that there aren’t enough truly in-depth reviews on games, or games that speak from a level of experience; from the perspective of someone who has either mastered the game or has a trained enough eye to be able to spot the flaws in the gem that is a boardgame without actually having played it to death.

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Legend of Drizzt review

I’m not going to belabour many of the details of gameplay, since I covered that ground with Wrath of Ashardalon and Castle Ravenloft reviews. I invite you to read those, as they’re exceptionally brilliant (if I do say so myself, and I do) and explain the core mechanics of the series. In this article, I am going to talk about what makes this game different, and so much better than the both of them, and what makes the series worth owning either in part or, as I do, in whole.

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Conversation With A Gaming Innovator #6: Chad Hoverter

Welcome back for yet another edition of my Conversation with a Gaming Innovator series of interviews! This time we’re talking with the lovely and talented Chad Hoverter, sculptor of all of the miniatures you’ll find in the new Plaid Hat Games’ Dungeon Run. These things are magnificent, and I just had to talk to Chad about his experiences with becoming a paid-gig sculptor.

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