
The G*M*S Magazine Podcast episode 118 – Pirates & Dragons Kickstarter project with Pete Cakebread

Second podcast of the day and second Kickstarter project, this time a Roleplaying game from Cakebread & Walton, Pirates & Dragons.

I had the pleasure to catch up with Pete Cakebread, which I was really looking forward to indeed. I met, really briefly, him at Conpulsion in April and didn’t get the chance to share a cup of coffee with him. I have promised myself next Conpulsion I’ll share a pint instead. That should help!

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Merchants And Marauders

I was never much a fan of the old pirate stories, and I sure as hell don’t like the Somali scumbags that are boarding merchant vessels in the modern world today. That being said, the moment I heard about Z-Man’s Merchants and Marauders, I wanted it. I read a bit about it on the Z-Man website, read some rumours on the interwebz, and each new story made this seem like an amazing adventure game. While I am indeed usually optimistic, I simply had to get this to prove to myself that it may be the game to change my mind, forever, about pirates, and more specifically, pirate games.

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Sid Meier’s Civilization

Sid Meier has been heralded as “the father of computer gaming”. Developing games since the early 1980′s, Sid Meier is best known for his work on the turn-based strategy simulation of epic proportions: Civilization. Other works include Pirates!, Railroad Tycoon, and my personal favourite, Alpha Centauri.

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