
Unboxing Level 99 Games Minigame Library

Level 99 is one of those companies we don’t hear enough about. They consistently produce both boardgames, card games and role playing games with a truly excellent level of quality and originality.

BattleCon is one of the best fighting cards games out there, and Mystic Empyrean is a truly fantastic and gorgeous looking role playing game.

This new selection of games is not just one game, but a collection of mini-games. All easy to play and teach, which sounds very good.

But it’s the money you have to pay worth for what you get? Let’s take a look!

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Dungeon Run

Dungeon Run doesn’t even attempt to take itself seriously; even the FAQ and easy-to-read rulebook is funny. If anything, it could be described as Dungeonquest Plus, because at the beginning of the game, your party of ignoble adventurers are mostly working together, but only as an alliance of convenience.

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Summoner Wars Master Set

Inside the box are an updated rulebook that clarifies some old and new rules, plenty of lovely dice and wound markers, a gorgeous playing board (replacing the wrinkly paper mats from the Starter Sets) and, most importantly, six new decks of cards representing six spanking new factions.

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Triune – Gamemaster’s Edition

Triune is a new Role-Playing game by Happy Bishop Games. This game can be termed futuristic, realistic fantasy. In this game religion has been outlawed, gates have been opened to two new universes that mankind has named ‘Heaven’ and ‘Hell’. It is the player characters responsibility to enforce the newly established rules and regulations concerning these two universes and our own interaction with them.

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Human Behaviour – Those Pesky Humans!

Dungeon crawlers come in many flavours; there’s your classic hardcore adventures like Descent, filled with statistics and many different coloured dice. There’s also D&D, of course, either in it’s ‘proper’ RPG form or the recently released streamlined variant that is Castle Ravenloft. If you’re after something a little more accessible, you could do a lot worse than hunting down a copy of the wonderful HeroQuest – one of the first ‘big’ games I ever got as a child, and one I still love to this day. I recently spoke with James Mathe from Minion Games, a new-ish company based in Wisconsin in the United States. We discussed what they’re up to right here (have a look, it’s very interesting!) and covered a game they put out last year called Those Pesky Humans. While it may look cutesy, it actually falls somewhere between the three games I mentioned up there – TPH is the very definition of not judging a book by the cover…

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