
Fold-n-Go Castle Kit #1

This second instalment of Rite Publishing’s relatively new Lone Tree Games imprint focusing on glueless paper models is ambitious to say the least: This time, we don’t get the tools to build a modular dungeon, but rather the tools to assemble a full-blown keep. Will it adhere to the first instalments high quality standards or is this too broad a scope for such a product?

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Fold-N-Go Dungeon Kit #1

The first offering of RiP’s Lone Tree-imprint offers us the tools to make 3-d paper models to depict our dungeons – which brings me to a point I have to admit: I’m kind of a paper-model nerd and subsequently I love the idea of this series. I’ll nevertheless try to be as unbiased and grumpy as you’ve come to expect me to be.

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Dungeons and Dragons Starter Kit

ders of this blog already know, I’m not a big fan of the current direction of Dungeons & Dragons, an opinion I’ve held sincebefore the release of D&D IV. I was happy enough with the early days ofD&D III, but my mood changed for the worse around the time that v.3.5 was released, kicking off a quest of exploration that eventually landed me where I am today.

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