Tag: geek

Roleplaying and board games reviews, podcasts, videos and interviews

Podcast Episode – The RPG Interview Room: Sleepers with Ben Counter

Sleepers is a conspiracy horror game published by Death Spiral Games and written by Ben Counter, veteran of many Warhammer novels. This game has been in development for a number of years and puts the players in the shoes of agents with super powers who have just woken up after a long slumber and a…
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Boardgame video review–DUCO

By Paco Garcia Jaen Not very often I do reviews in the website of boardgames or card games that are in pre-production stage and pretty much never if they are print & play. I don’t have anything against them. It’s just that’s not what i do. However DUCO got me by surprise. It arrived with…
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Not sure I want to be a geek anymore…

I have no problem “being” a geek. It has helped shape the sort of person I am and I am very proud of that. And, quite frankly, I love being a geek because I love what it entails. I love the social aspect, the slightly esoteric hobbies, the idiosyncratic nature of our tastes, the passion that comes with being so attached to those hobbies, the community…

The G*M*S Magazine Podcast Episode 83–Handling Difficult situations at the table

Welcome back everyone to a new, shorter episode of the podcast.

First of all in this episode we announce the winner of our “leave us iTunes feedback” competition. Cloudster, you’ve got yourself a prize!

We also talk about Tabletop Day, the new, and rather awesome, initiative by the nice guys at Geek and Sundry, to get us gamers to go out and play somewhere else: A public space! Video below!

And our topics for this episode are “How do you handle difficult situations at the table” and “how do you protect your game”?

The G*M*S Magazine Podcast Episode 82–Reviews with Dr Mike Reddy

There are a few announcements to make, starting with the X-Wing UK National championship that will take place at the UK Games Expo in May, as well as a couple of very interesting projects and releases that we’ve heard of. And you’ll like to hear of too!