

Take up your axe and raise the dragon’s head upon the longship’s prow! The time has come to brave the frozen empires of the savage north. Here honor is more common than steel, trolls and giants battle the gods, and a hero lives by strength of arm and reckless courage. Northlands is a 114-page sourcebook detailing the icy northern realms – their geography, culture and magic.

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Obsidian Twilight Campaign Setting

The sanctity of the world known as Abaddon was shattered when a global apocalyptic event of a meteor impacting the planet causing a destructive ecological and eldritch change. Now there is no day or night, just never ending twilight. An undead world ruled by fear and horror. Undead nightmares prowl the darkest forest with malevolent ghouls, grim demonic fiends and horrific vampires prey on a fearful populace. The world is dominated by the monstrously powerful immortal vampiric lich lord known as Calix Sabinus reigns supreme over this world. And with all this the mysterious force known as Nightwall. Evil dominates the world to be challenged by noble heroes fighting to take back a world that should belong to them. Are you willing to take up the fight?

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The Temple of the Chained Demon

The author of this adventure is unknown. If you know him/her (or if indeed you are he/she), please do contact us. A campaign for 1-3 4th-8th level characters, 1 a wizard (an NPC mage will do). This is a two-quest campaign. The first quest involves rescuing a princess from a tower controlled by an evil wizard, the second quest involves reaching a certain temple before the wizard’s brother can free the Demon locked inside of it.

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101 Skeletons

Have you ever wondered what could you do with skeletons in your adventure?

Let’s face it, skeletons are handy in pretty much any campaign. They are easy to prepare, familiar and can be anywhere, either because something died in the place, or because they’re being summoned by whoever needs a handful of disposable minions.

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Starting a duet RPG Campaign

This column will focus on the process of starting a duet campaign, especially for someone who isn’t that experienced of a GM, perhaps even someone who has never GMed before. In many ways, duets are a great opportunity to try to GM. You have one player and usually this is a significant other or good friend who isn’t going to give you a hard time.

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Wedding Knight

The introduction to this adventure provides an apposite reminder: in a game in which dynasties and bloodlines and the good of your House feature large, weddings are going to be very important events indeed.

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