
Triune – Gamemaster’s Edition

Triune is a new Role-Playing game by Happy Bishop Games. This game can be termed futuristic, realistic fantasy. In this game religion has been outlawed, gates have been opened to two new universes that mankind has named ‘Heaven’ and ‘Hell’. It is the player characters responsibility to enforce the newly established rules and regulations concerning these two universes and our own interaction with them.

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The Great City Campaign Setting

This campaign setting/city source book from 0one Games is 162 pages long, 1 page front cover, 1 page blank inside front cover, 1 paged editorial, 1 page ToC, 1 page SRD, 1 page advertisement, 1 page blank inside back cover and 1 page back cover, leaving a whopping 154 pages of content for us to lose ourselves in, so let’s check it out!

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Realms of Twilight

I actually own only the dead tree copy of this campaign setting, so I’ll break my usual format for this review. The Realms of Twilight Campaign Setting comes as a massive hardcover book, including two pages of character sheets and 1 page map. After a page of editorial and a page ToC, we get 2 pages introduction and overview of the contents. After that, we get introduced into the world of Relistan. One of the things you immediately notice, is that the b/w-artwork is stunning and ranks among the best you can find in any 3pp-books.

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Three Fourteen Game’s Awakened

I like to be surprised. I like new ideas, new concepts and new things. Unfortunately none of those things come often enough… though sometimes they do, and then it is nice! Awakened is one of those products. It’s not perfect, but it is indeed very, very interesting! Awakened starts with something having happened to the characters, even though they can’t remember what it is. Simply put, they wake up in a motel, away from home and not able to remember anything from the night before. Throughout the adventure, clues and flashbacks are presented to the players so they can start to remember what not just they have recently, but what connects them from their distant past.

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