RPG Interview: Stephen Hart and the Oracle RPG Magazine

the oracle magazine

As you might know, I am hugely keen on people publishing their work and going into RPGs as creators. I have a whole series on how to publish your own game because of that very thing.

Stephen Hart is a man after my own heart. He is creating a monthly magazine called Oracle Magazine that is full of NPCs, locations, magic items, etc and, to make things better, he is actually crowdfunding it on my favourite platform, Game On Tabletop.

So I had to talk to him about it… Because that is fantastic!

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This channel deals with game on tabletop, oracle magazine, stephen hart, publishing, book publishing, publishing business, writing, writing adventures, adventure writing, gmsmagazine, gms magazine, game publishing, book publishing, publishing business, business, hype, marketing, game on tabletop, wizards of the coast, diversity, #ttrpg, #rpg, #roleplaying, #game, #games, dungeons and dragons, #dnd, dungeons & dragons, call of Cthulhu, #CoC, vampire: The mascarade, osr, pbta, board game, lovecraft, lovecraftian, roleplaying game, role playing, game, gaming, #drivethrurpg,pulp, horror, #horror game,green ronin, #tabletop, #modiphius, #pathfinder, #paizo, Britannia Games, Chivalry and sorcery

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