By Endzeitgeist
All right, you know the drill by now – 3 pages, 1 page front cover, 1 page SRD, 1 page content – so let’s take a look at these mythic feats, shall we?
- Harder to kill: + mythic tier negative hit points, bonus to saves versus effects that would kill you, when at negative hp no greater than your mythic tier, regenerate.
- Improved Mythic Surge: Roll twice for a surge and take the better result.
- Mythic Empowerment: Choose a mythic power tied to your mythic tier. You count as +4 mythic tier regarding that ability.
- Mythic Focus: Select one option, mythic ability, path etc. powered by mythic power. You gain +3 uses of that ability per day and only that ability.
- Mythic Resistance: When being affected by something that renders you immune versus a non-mythic effect, you may force the mythic equivalent of the effect you’re immune against to make a mythic power check in order to transcend your immunity.
- Mythic Restoration: Expend one use mythic power to restore one use of any ability with x/day uses. 1/day abilities may only be replenished so 1/day.
Editing and formatting are top-notch, I didn’t notice any glitches. Layout adheres to a 3-column standard in portrait-standard, which feels a bit cluttered here and results in some blank space at the bottom of the page. The pdf comes sans bookmarks, but needs none at this length.
These mythic feats are all about resource-exchange/expansion – allowing you to use resources to supplement others you may have expended already, these feats are useful to get more freedom. They also manage to be general enough to provide useful options for just about every character – though honestly, I’m not sure whether mythic characters need options to be even harder to kill off. Still, overall balanced options – though not ones that make me jump with excitement. It’s had to properly judge whether the resource-exchanging options herein universally stay balanced and, while wording etc. are top-notch, these feats are generally +x ability exchange x for y-type of feats – there’s nothing wrong with that and they are useful, but none of these made me truly excited. Hence I’ll settle on a final verdict of 4.5 stars, rounded up to 5 due to the lack of gripes I have with this one.
Endzeitgeist out.
With a Bullet Point: 6 Mythic Feats is available from:
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