RPG review – Feats of Flight

Feats_of_FlightBy Endzeitgeist

Feats of Flight in pdf is 3 pages long, 1 page front cover, 1 page SRD, leaving us with 1 page of content with 10 feats themed around flying, so what do we get?

  • Aerial Acrobatics: Use fly instead of acrobatics with regards to moving in/out of occupied/threatened squares. Also improves evasion if you have it.
  • Aerial Marksmanship: Ignore prone bonuses to AC when at least 30 feet above your foes.
  • Eagle Eye: Triples the range-increment by which your perception-checks are penalized when doing aerial scouting.
  • Flight of the Bumblebee: When airborne, you may use fly instead of bluff to feint.
  • Just out of reach: Gain 5 foot elevation as an immediate action.
  • Looming Ascent: When using the flight hex, you may combine that with the cackle hey and a bonus to intimidate. Neat!
  • Skybound: +4 to saves versus altitude sickness and fatigue and on fly-checks for skill checks made to fly upward.
  • Swooping Save: Reroll ref-saves 1/round when airborne, but at the cost of 30 ft. height – potential for crash landing here. Awesome one!
  • Vicious Dive: End charging to a lower elevation with two natural attacks (instead of one) – not usable with manufactured weapons. Makes sense and is one of the feats that make you think: Why didn’t someone do this before?
  • Wingbeat Warrior: Use the Wingover-feat to turn up to 90 degrees during a charge – awesome!


Editing and formatting are top-notch, I didn’t notice any glitches. Layout adheres to Abandoned Art’s two-column no-frills standard and the pdf has no bookmarks, but needs none at this length.

Sometimes Daron Woodson just gets it terribly, extremely…RIGHT. Aerial combat has not seen much support – and this pdf provides feats that make your flying adversaries awesome, so much cooler. From dual-claw dives to iconic dog-fight manoeuvre, this feat-collection should be considered a must-have for anyone interested in taking the combat to the skies. And the rules-language is concise indeed – all killer, no filler, no issues: Final verdict? 5 stars + seal of approval.

Endzeitgeist out.

Feats of Flight is available from:


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