Relationships in RPGs – The RPG Interview Room podcast

Relationships are a pretty integral part of RPGs. It is very hard to have a party without relationships because, one way or another, they have to relate to one another, romantically or otherwise.

In the last few weeks we have been chatting a lot in Facebook about relationships in games with a lot of people deciding they don’t want to have relationship in games because… erm… dunno… lots of reasons that make no sense to me, but hey… to each their own.

The fact is that a lot of people’s misgivings on having relationships are a bit odd and I think they could be missing out.

Tim Korlewski, author and game designer of wargames and roleplaying games, asked me about it in Facebook and we decided to have a chat about it and see if we could make some interesting talking points about the subject.

And here is the episode! Hope you enjoy the show!

You can listen to this podcast in iTunes and Stitcher too. You can download the episode from here.

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