This week, Raging Swan Press is proud to announce the release of So What’s The Armour Like, Anyway? a Pathfinder Roleplaying Game compatible GM’s RESOURCE by Richard Green designed to add colour and flavour to any GM’s treasure hoards.
The PCs stand triumphant over the bloodied bodies of their fallen enemies. As they bind their wounds and begin to loot the corpses they ask, “So what’s that fighter’s armour like, anyway?” An answer such as “it’s a masterwork suit of chainmail” is somewhat of an anticlimax, but who has the time to prepared detailed armour descriptions these days given that the PCs will probably just sell it?
So What’s the Armour Like, Anyway? banishes this problem by providing hundreds of detailed items for the busy GM to immediately use in his campaign.
You can download a sample and check out the Contents here.
And don’t forget, So What’s the Armour Like, Anyway? is a Dual Format PDF and is included in Raging Swan’s Free PDFs promotion.