Did you love the Obsidian Twilight or Place Beyond Hell in PDF that you wish that you could have them in print? Well now you can! For the first time and available exclusively from RPGNow and DriveThruRPG, LPJ Design now has Print-On-Demand (POD) version of their most popular PDF RPG products. Here is the list of currently available POD version of the best selling PDFs:
Undefeatable: The Collected Feats Sourcebook (PFRPG)
Feats. Think you have enough feats to choose from? No matter how many feats a typical character may possess during the average campaign, players everywhere love new feats. There is something about feats, those bite-sized special abilities that help set a character apart from the others in his party, that excite players. Undefeatable gives you the largest collection, over 500 feats, that will help you creatively develop you’ve had for your character. From new metamagic feats to feats that make use of your bond to your class specific skills, this book brings a whole array of new abilities to your player character. Undefeatable is the sourcebook that GMs and player have been waiting for to take their game to that next level. Written by Owen Barnes, Reuben Hinman, Michael R. Kimmel, Erin Palette, Simon Rocquette and Louis Porter Jr
A Place Beyond Hell (PFRPG)
A dark star fell from the sky bringing with it the end of all things! The sanctity of the world known as Abaddon was shattered when a global apocalyptic event of a meteor impacting the planet causing a destructive ecological and eldritch change. But what really was the meteor that hit the planet of Abaddon. The H’Laqu were not present on Abaddon until the disaster happened. They came with it, were the progenitors of it, were part of the meteor itself. They were – and are – the engineers of Abaddon’s destruction. Now they’re found, increasingly, all over the world. Insinuating themselves into air, stone, flesh and plants, subverting and spreading, wandering far and wide and engaging in strange and unnatural behaviours that nobody can understand. They’re not of this world, not of this dimension, not of this reality in any way. Inscrutable, inimical to the very existence of this world, perhaps even insane, the H’Laqu are a growing presence, a growing influence and a growing concern to all the forces at work across Abaddon. A threat that can’t be understood, controlled or even directed, beyond the schemes and plans of man and undead alike.
Inside this book you will find you’ll need to embark on adventures using A Place Beyond Hell sourcebook including The History of the H’Laqu
- Over 20 all new feats including Black Blood, Horrific Countenance and Withering Stare
- Over 20 all new spells including Antilife Bolt, Immaculate Dissection, Mind Trap and Void of Despair
- Ten all new monsters and NPCs including Abyssal Arm, Infected Land and Nyxsus the Surgeon
- Background of the Cult of Black Glass
- Rules for the Breaching Points of H’Laqu
Obsidian Twilight Campaign Setting (PFRPG)
A dark star fell from the sky bringing with it the end of all things!
The sanctity of the world known as Abaddon was shattered when a global apocalyptic event of a meteor impacting the planet causing a destructive ecological and eldritch change. Now there is no day or night, just never ending twilight. An undead world ruled by fear and horror. Undead nightmares prowl the darkest forest with malevolent ghouls, grim demonic fiends and horrific vampires prey on a fearful populace. The world is dominated by the monstrously powerful immortal vampiric lich lord known as Calix Sabinus reigns supreme over this world. And with all this the mysterious force known as Nightwall. Evil dominates the world to be challenged by noble heroes fighting to take back a world that should belong to them. Are you willing to take up the fight?
Inside this book you will find you’ll need to embark on adventures in the exciting setting of Obsidian Twilight:
8 new races usable as player characters or NPCs.
Over 100 new feats, over 140 new spells and 6 new prestige classes.
New monsters and monster template.
Highly detailed regions and history, new organizations to launch your campaign
Players assume the roles of brave adventures facing ultimate evil in the hopes of saving the world, all in a post apocalyptic setting of survival horror and adventure.
Race Creation Cookbook (PFRPG)
The best selling point based race creation sourcebook of all times returns UPDATED AND REVISED exclusively for the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game system! GMs with a taste for fantasy world-building can either borrow races for their setting from other sources, or build new fantasy races from scratch. Presented in this sourcebook are guidelines for designing new fantasy character races with access to a wide variety of abilities and balancing drawbacks. Whether these are exotic new fantasy races or variants of more familiar fantasy races, the tools are in your hands. This sourcebook contains everything you need to create variations on your favourite fantasy races to all new, all different fantasy racial ideas that no one has seen before.
This sourcebook includes:
- Core Ability Score Adjustments
- Bonus Feats versus Racial Feature
- Skill Adjustments
- Defensive Racial Features
- Effect Immunities and Saving Throw Bonus
- Spell-Like Abilities
- Size and Creature Type
- Miscellaneous Features
- Movement and Vision
- Natural Attacks
- And much more!!!
If you like creating new fantasy races for the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game system and gaming but wished there were rules that actually made sense and balanced, you prayers have been answered. The Race Creation Cookbook is the book you have wanted to see done in an easy way to add to your game. Come check it out!
Adventure Planner (PFRPG)
The one thing that all GMs are going to have to have, if they are planning to run adventures with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. The Adventure Planner for the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game includes any and all forms you will need to run adventures and keep order.
The Adventure Planner contains the following forms:
- Campaign Overview: Including Published PDFs or Sourcebooks Used & Changes to published setting
- Important Events in the Campaign History
- Location in the Campaign
- Character Race: SRD and Various others
- Combat Round Check & Player Condition
- Recent Campaign Events
- Site-based encounter and Event-based encounter forms
- Campaign Rogues Gallery & Supporting Cast List
- Adventure Outline & Planned Scenes
- Random Events & Custom Random Encounter Table
- Plus over 50 other customizable forms for D20 and OGL adventure and campaigns
Sidetrek Adventure Weekly Presents: The Undead Chronicles
When a corpse floats to the heroes feet in a gold panner’s stream, frozen horrors erupt from the waters and ravenous wolves close in. A chaotic chase leads the adventures to the abandoned town of Merzel’s Fall where an apex predator stands between them and a celebratory bonfire with a disturbing omen. Will anyone survive? The Undead Chronicles tosses our heroes into a zombie hot zone as all hell is about to bust loose. Sidetrek Adventure Weekly Presents: The Undead Chronicles is a pulse-racing, white-knuckle adventure series. Jump aboard Sidetrek Adventure Weekly tonight!
Sidetrek Adventure Weekly Presents: The Trodoon Gate Saga
Sidetrek Adventure Weekly Presents: The Trodoon Gate Saga throws the characters into an action-packed encounter designed to electrify your game. When a clan of masked monks ambushes an illicit exchange in a dilapidated dockside warehouse, their onslaught hurls the heroes into a chaotic, explosion-rent fracas. Thrust into one fast-paced, deadly clash after another, they slowly piece together the truth: apocalypse threatens, and only they can stop it! After ever increasing dangers, this epic adventure saga with finally ends on the Trodoon homeworld, atop a snow covered peak, in the isolated outpost of a fallen civilization, our heroes repaired the portal key that will take them home – only to trigger an avalanche! Can they escape the tsunami of snow and rock, survive the primordial jungle below, traverse the void separating time and space, and reach home? Sidetrek Adventure Weekly Presents: The Trodoon Gate Saga is a pulse-racing, white-knuckle adventure series.