Podcast Episode–The Boardgame Interview Room: Fortress Moon Kickstarter

fortress_moonBy Paco Garcia Jaen

Some of us like the sort of retro Sci-Fi look from the 50s and 60s and also love the movies from that time. As someone who’s first sci-fi experience was Forbidden Planet, the cheesy and wonderful future imagined at the time was, and indeed still is, incredibly attractive.

That’s one of the reasons I felt compelled to look further into the Fortress Moon Kickstarter project, a game by Thorin and Alan Thompson.

Fortress Moon is a heavy strategy game that, if funded, will come with 280 miniatures and a ton of components for a 2 to 4 players experience.

In this interview, I spoke to Thorin and Alan about the game and what makes it special.

Hope you enjoy it!

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