Podcast Episode – The RPG Room: Is there art in roleplaying games?

Roleplaying and board games reviews, podcasts, videos and interviews

La Puerta de Ishtar[1]Ever since RPGs were published and Gary Gigax and Dave Arneson had a dream of turning Dungeons & Dragons into a commercial product, art has place a huge part in the visual identity of roleplaying games.

Probably one of the areas in which Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror has thrived the most and in which it has been taken more seriously. And also probably the one that’s given more chances to new people.

A good RPG with good artwork is better. It feels better.

There are those who argue art or illustration in RPGs is not necessary.. maybe! But they’re nicer with it.

And there are some who argue there is no art in roleplaying games at all, like Jim Pinto

So I got together with him, and Vickey and discussed the matter.

And the link to the image we talk about from Antonio Manzanedo is here.

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