Podcast Episode – The RPG Interview Room Cthulhu London Boxset Kickstarter from Cubicle 7

CthulhuBritannicaLondonBy Paco Garcia Jaen

Boxsets where the norm when I got into roleplaying games. The gorgeous boxes from the D&D range and many other games of the mid 80s marked the format that turned my summer – and winter – afternoons and evenings into amazing times.

Of course among those boxes were a few Cthulhu related boxes. And, unfortunately, then they went away. That’s not to say there haven’t been *great* game material written for Call of Cthulhu, but boxes? Not as many as I’d like!

Enter Cubicle 7!

The C7 humans have had the Cthulhu Britannica series going on for a while and some fantastic products have been released. If you haven’t got Shadows Over Scotland, please do yourself a favour and get a copy. Now they’re upping their game and releasing the Cthulhu London Boxset of their Cthulhu Britannica series, and for that they’ve gone to Kickstarter to get some money.

But is it worth backing this? I think it is and thus I’ve backed it, and hopefully the interview with Dom McDowal-Thomas, Cubicle 7 mastermind will hopefully help you find reasons to back this project too!


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