Happy Independence Day to all of our American customers and fans! I wish that this letter was bringing gladder tidings, but we want to take the opportunity to tell you about the Michael Rohan Memorial Fund and the bundle that has been put together at DriveThru RPG. Michael Rohan, my son, died on June 10th of this year following a drowning accident at a local water park. We are trying to turn this tragedy into something greater and we are establishing a fund in his honour that will help pay for swimming lessons, lifeguard training, CPR training, and grief counselling to our local area. If there is enough money in the fund, we will expand its reach beyond our local area and we have plans to do some amazing things with the money.
Fabled Environments, a mapping company that we have worked with for sometime now, has put together a bundle for the Memorial Fund. At the time that I’m writing this, there are almost 20 publishers involved wit the bundle and just under $270 worth of product. New publishers are adding to the bundle daily, and the price is just $12 (US). For those of you who either have purchased it or will purchase it, don’t worry about waiting until the last second to make sure you have it with all of the latest additions. The bundle will automatically update and you will have access to all of the PDFs that are in the final state of the bundle.
The selection in the bundle is outstanding. Because Silver Gryphon Games works with the Savage Worlds community more than any other in the gaming industry, there are a number of Savage Worlds titles included, but there are a number of publishers that have added in that support almost every genere of table-top RPGs. We invite you to take a look at it via the link below, and we thank you for your time. Have a great day, and for our American friends and fans, we ask that you celebrate responsibly!
The Michael Rohan Memorial Fund
Thank you for your time!
Kevin Rohan
Content Director, Silver Gryphon Games