Fantastic Maps: Amphitheatre

97530[1]By Thilo Graf

This installment of cartography-master Jonathan Robert’s Fantastic Maps brings us an amphitheatre. The basic pdf is 43 pages long, 1 page front cover, 1 page how to use, leaving 41 pages.

In the tradition of the series, we first get a one-page overview of the map, complete with grids and in full colour. The amphitheatre is 5 rows high, f3eatures a warrior’s statue (or petrified hero?), a well and what could be either an altar, a podium or even *gasp* a dread gazebo!

20 pages are devoted to a blown-up full-color version of the map with grids to use with miniatures, while the next 20 pages belong to the b/w-version of the map.

Everybody who knows the series, knows that that’s not everything, though:In the archive, we also get an A4-version of the map for Europeans like yours truly, maptool files, high res jpegs with and without grid and the same for MACOSX.


The artwork of Jonathan Robert’s maps is awesome and this is no different. While the cover may lead you to think that the map has the BoFN-style blue-tinge, I can assure you that it’s more like a blueish grey and definitely could be ice, but doesn’t have to be, which is nice, as it adds to the versatility of the map. The statue, podium and rows of seats add to the possibilities the map offers for adventurers. I would have loved to have them removable, though: Sometimes you want an empty amphitheatre. Due to this feature not being here and the potential to perceive this map as a bit cluttered, I’ll settle for a final verdict of 4 stars: Great map, could be better if there was some way to hide the statue etc.

Endzeitgeist out.

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