Evil Genius Games disclaimer: a red herring?

Soon after some workers left Evil Genius Games, the company released a press note with the stance on AI work. Was that what brought up all this debacle?

Soon after Evil Genius Games released a press release with the stance on AI work. Was that what brought up all this debacle?

We also talk about ENWorld article about the topic and what bits are the good ones to keep in mind.

And lastly, we answer a question that @jonathanfranklin461, one of our viewers/listeners left in the comments: “how to do handle exploration in games without the players feeling like they are making a random choice or that the adventure is on rails?”

Evil Genius Games disclaimer: a red herring?

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About us:
Paco and Martin are a couple who love playing games and recording videos about them. Paco has been playing RPGs since he discovered Dragonlance in 1984 and found his love for Boardgames in 2007. He’s an avid reader and has a very keen interest in gaming and the people who make them.
Martin is a chartered surveyor who just loves media production. He is in charge of all the editing and the technology we use in our Spain-based studio.

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