Diogo Nogueira is Brazil’s best known author internationally, though he is not the only Brazilian Author. In fact, during this interview, we are going to find out that there is a really vibrant community of TTRPG Creators in Brazil.
Find out about his creations here: http://bit.ly/DiogoNogueiraRPG
And his blog here: http://oldskulling.blogspot.com/
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This channel deals with DIOGO NOGUEIRA, brazil rpg, Horror, Pulp, Science Fiction, Comedy, PDF, Books, StoryPath, RPG publishing, book publishing, publishing business, writing, writing adventures, adventure writing, gmsmagazine, gms magazine, game publishing, book publishing, publishing business, business, hype, marketing, game on tabletop, wizards of the coast, diversity, #ttrpg, #rpg, #roleplaying, #game, #games, dungeons and dragons, #dnd, dungeons & dragons, call of Cthulhu, #CoC, vampire: The mascarade, osr, pbta, board game, lovecraft, lovecraftian, roleplaying game, role playing, game, gaming, #drivethrurpg,pulp, horror, #horror game,green ronin, #tabletop, #modiphius, #pathfinder, #paizo, Britannia Games, Chivalry and sorcery