30 Haunts for Ships and Shores

88206[1]By Thilo Graf

This pdf from Rite Publishing is 17 pages long, 1 page front cover, 1 page editorial, 1 page SRD and 2 pages of ads, leaving 12 pages for the haunts.

This pdf kicks off with an IC-introduction to the haunts and some nice background, a definite plus in atmosphere over the last instalment of the series. 1.5 pages explain how to use the haunts as well as that some may be tied together or used stand-alone. These so-called associated haunts, introduced in the last instalment of the series, are a good proof that RiP is listening to its fans and provide what we ask.

Mutinous Manifestations:

  • Star-Cursed Sky (CR 11)
  • Mutiny’s Shadow (CR 10)
  • Grumbling and Grief (CR 7)
  • The Sound of Munity (CR 6)
  • The Sea Devil’s Attack
  • Drunk Crew (CR 6)
  • The Deep One Rises (can be tied to Drunk Crew) (CR 11)
  • Blood in the Water:
  • Common Cry Haunt (CR 2)
  • Common Drowned Man (can be tied to Common Cry Haunt) (CR 2)
  • Feeding Frenzy (can be tied to Common Drowned Man) (CR 8)
  • Bellfall’s Haunts:
  • Blasphemer’s Bell (CR 1)
  • Bloody Tide (can be tied to Blasphemer’s Bell) (CR 5)
  • Wrath of the Wrecked (Can be tied to Bloody Tide) (CR 11)
  • Flooded Hold:
  • Flooded Hold (CR 12)
  • Stormy Weather Haunts:
  • Common Biting Wind (CR 6)
  • Head Strong Wave (Can be tied to Common Biting Wind) (CR 6)
  • Hungary Sea Haunt (Can be tied to head Strong Wave) (CR 4)
  • Raging Squall (Can be tied to Hungary Sea Haunt) (CR 8)
  • More Haunts:
  • Dreaming of a Watery Grave (CR 9)
  • Driving Sleet (CR 4)
  • Exhausted Crew (CR 8)
  • Fog Reavers Rock (CR 6)
  • Jaws that Bite (CR 8)
  • Past Sin (CR 3)
  • Sailing Blind (CR 5)
  • Shadowy Tentacles (CR 8)
  • The Hailstorm (CR 6)
  • The Hunger (CR 10)
  • The Northern Lights (CR 11)
  • Worms and Maggots (CR 3)
  • X Marks the Spot (CR 1)

The pdf also features a new NPC, Pers Veilbron, the writer of the IC-introduction. The NPC takes up 2 pages and uses the channeler class from “Secrets of Divine Channeling”. All rules to use him without the book are provided, though.


Editing and layout adhere to the RiP-two-column standard and are of the usual high quality. I didn’t notice any typos or glitches. The mostly B/w-artwork is nice and I love the cover. I also really enjoy how the book uses some haunts from “30 Haunts for Houses” to expand some of the associated haunts, providing even more content. The IC-introduction to the content and stories of the haunts make it extremely easy for the DM to use them in his/her campaign. I even claim that it is easily possible to make an adventure out of the haunts contained herein. The content is plain awesome and e.g. “X marks the Spot”, a haunted table that draws maps on the flesh of deceased people, is just so iconic I immediately wanted to implement it. Not all of them are as awesome, but there is no filler in this book. What’s my final verdict, then? I don’t have ANY complains whatsoever, this book is a great progression from the already excellent last haunt book and I hope to see more of them in the future. In combination with the low price point, I practically have to rate this 5 stars – an excellent purchase for just about any DM out there.

30 Haunts for Ships and Shores is available from:

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