Video Interviews Salute 2014

salute2014Salute 2014 came to London another year, like every year. The biggest and probably best wargames convention in the UK takes place at Excel. And like every year, we took our camera and asked a few questions around to a few nice people!

Martin Vaux from Lords of War. This game came out with great success in Kickstarter a little while ago and an expansion also was very successfully funded and with very good reason, it’s a terrific game. I managed to get a few words with Martin about the game, its genesis, its future and some juicy bits about the table version of the game.

Mohammed Ait-Mehdi from Don’t Panic Games. France is a company that keeps coming out with great games and Don’t Panic Games has something in the making that looks super cool. Renown sculptor and painter Mohammed Ait-Mehdi gives us a insight on what’s to come, a game called Drakerys that will be funded via Kickstarter, and why we should be excited. Very excited.

Dan Faulconbridge from Wargames Illustrated. By far the best wargames magazine out there at the moment, Dan has been at the helm for a while and being very successful at it, even at a time of digital revolution.

Ian Brumby from Fenris Games is the company behind a lot of great minis, but they’re probably best known thanks to the incredible success of Cthulhu Wars. Incredibly, they’ve managed to keep the schedule ticking at the right pace despite the number of unforeseen extra miniatures that had to be created. Some lessons to be learnt from him!

Paul Nobb from Jersey Privateers. Ladies and Gentlemen, this man is one of the reasons why the wargames hobby is so successful and such a lovely place to be. Seriously. I challenge you to dislike this fellow!

Mike Berry from Leisure Games. The best games shop in the UK (yes, because I say so) and he knows a thing or two (probably three) about the gaming business. As always, he gives some terrific insight to a few rather difficult questions I threw his way.

Jake Thornton with Mantic Games. Meeting Jake has been the highlight of a very long time. I am very lucky to know a lot of games designers and Jake has shot right into the top of my list of Amazing Humans Beings. He’s not just a fantastic game designer responsible for some of the best that Mantic Games has to offer, but an absolutely wonderful man. Seriously.


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