Video Interview – Historical Games Factory

Historical-Games-Factory[1]Polish company Historical Games Factory has a great purpose, to create historically accurate games that reflect the theme. Lots of games try that but it’s a rather difficult thing to achieve and you need to know your history very well.

With Sigismundus Augustus they did a great job and created a really deep and complex game and continued with First to Fight (review coming soon!) and the way they increased their production quality between the games is staggering. Enough to make anyone realise how serious and how good these guys are.

With Ark of Animals they cater to the younger gamers with a memory game that will also have adults very entertained (specially adults with bad memory like me!

But there is more to the company and I got together with Piotr Żuchowski to ask him about the company’s comings and goings.

And where they are going is a great future they have ahead!


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