Treasures of NeoExodus: Raindrop

110068By Thilo Graf

This pdf is 4 pages long, 1 page item-cards, 1 page SRD/editorial – let’s check this out!

Raindrop is an interesting weapon indeed – the signature weapon of a master-spy, the weapon is actually more than meets the eye – disguised as an umbrella, the blade can be drawn from its umbrella-sheath and work as a +1 keen duelling wakizashi. When used in parasol-form, the item can instead work as a +1 animated light steel shield and allows the wielder to act as if s/he had the Missile Shield feat. The wielder also gets the benefits of a glide spell while wearing the weapon and it has an additional, neat idea:

When spinning the parasol as a free action, you may 1/day produce the effects of a hypnotic pattern spell – affecting 2d4 +10 HD since the spell caps there and the CL of the item is 12. Cool and fitting with the topic, were it not for a central oversight: We don’t get to know against which DC the foes are supposed to save, though I presume the caster’s int. The effect lasts as long as the parasol, is spun, which is a cool idea.

The pdf comes with item-cards.

This pdf is 4 pages long, 1 page item-cards, 1 page SRD/editorial – let’s check this out!

Raindrop is an interesting weapon indeed – the signature weapon of a master-spy, the weapon is actually more than meets the eye – disguised as an umbrella, the blade can be drawn from its umbrella-sheath and work as a +1 keen duelling wakizashi. When used in parasol-form, the item can instead work as a +1 animated light steel shield and allows the wielder to act as if s/he had the Missile Shield feat. The wielder also gets the benefits of a glide spell while wearing the weapon and it has an additional, neat idea:

When spinning the parasol as a free action, you may 1/day produce the effects of a hypnotic pattern spell – affecting 2d4 +10 HD since the spell caps there and the CL of the item is 12. Cool and fitting with the topic, were it not for a central oversight: We don’t get to know against which DC the foes are supposed to save, though I presume the caster’s int. The effect lasts as long as the parasol, is spun, which is a cool idea.

The pdf comes with item-cards.


Layout adheres to the 2-column full-colour standard of NeoExodus and is just as beautiful as we’ve come to expect. The printer-friendly old layout is just as gorgeous. The pdf has no bookmarks, but needs none at this length and the artwork is gorgeous. The Editing and formatting are top-notch and apart from which attribute governs the save versus hypnotic pattern, I don’t have any problems. This pdf was first accidentally released as its draft and LPJr Design, in a VERY quick response rectified the issue and updated the pdf, which is great customer-service. The weapon’s signature-ability has been streamlined and apart from the slight confusion with the save, I don’t have much to complain about, for Raindrop is an interesting, versatile and cool weapon. My final verdict will thus clock in at 4 stars.

Endzeitgeist out.

Treasures of NeoExodus: Raindrop is available from:


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