The Podcast Room: Geeky Food with Ilana Greenberg-Sud

geeky foodIn this episode we are not going to do anything with games. This is all about geeky food and cooking, because, contrary to what might appear, we geeks like to eat. A lot!

I met Ilana Greenberg-Sud in Facebook and I was interested right away. She has a pretty neat store in Etsy that sells all sorts of geeky morsels for the empty stomach. Or the full one, because I think I would eat her food even if I weren’t hungry.

If you wanted to try Elvish Lembas Bread, this would be your place. Or if you are a Dr. Who fan, these would be his Jammie Dodgers of choice… and like that many, many more.

But have a listen… you might find more inspiration than you think!

Enjoy the show!

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