The G*M*S Magazine Podcast. Episode 9

Alien Frontiers - Box ArtAnd we arrive to a new episode of the G*M*S Magazine one and this is a special one.

It is special because of many reasons, but not the least because it comes out at the same time as the website becomes one year old.

To start with we have a new co-host for the show. Mark Rivera, from Boardgames in Blighty is joining the podcast with a tremendous wealth of knowledge about wargames and boardgames, which is very welcome.

Also the format has changed. The reviews are back and the interviews are shorter, though a lot snazzier and much more interesting. But you will be judge of that!

This episode features an interview with Tory Neimann, the incredible talent behind Alient Frontiers, from CleverMojo Games. We also sit down to unbox and review the game with some friends, which I hope will encourage you to buy this tremendous game.

It would be unfair to finish this post without saying a few words of thanks.

First of all thank you, the reader, for having been there and coming to the G*M*S Magazine website to read the reviews and to comment. I wasn’t expecting the website would be so well received and for your support and, basically for being there, I thank you very very much.

But a website like G*M*S Magazine is nothing without good quality content and I have a few very special people to thank for that. Without Thilo Graf, Kimberly Moser, Megan Robertson, Tommy Brownell, Peter Ruth II and Chris Bowler, I would have neverĀ  been able to achieve the over 400 quality pieces that exist now in this website.

From the bottom of my heart, thank you. You are a very special bunch and I honestly hope the day will come when I can thank you as you deserve.

So, without any further delay, I hope you enjoy this show and I hope we will be able to enjoy many more in the future.

All the best,


You can listen to the podcast by clicking on the images below:

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