The G*M*S Magazine Podcast Episode 59 – Clever Mojo Games with Dave McKenzie

Alien_Frontiers_largeWe’re getting closer to 60! But for now we’re 59 episodes old and we’re having an amazing time!

With a teaser of interviews to come, Dr. Reddy and I discuss Kickstarter and, for once, we actually stay on topic for a long time!

The question was prompted in Twitter. Has Kickstarter lost its shine? Is it over saturated and should young designers be worried? If you knew the person who asked, you’d understand the irony of that last question… J

There is no denying Kickstarter has done a lot of good to a lot of people who wouldn’t have seen their games published without crowd funding. However some say that it is actually harming the industry because of the oversaturation. And because of the lack of quality control.

Do you agree?

And talking about Kickstarter, we have an interview with one of the men who helped kick-start Kickstarter for boardgames. Dave McEnzie, the brains behind Clever Mojo Games. By now you should know Alien Frontiers and Sunrise City, if not; you should really look into those two games. You can’t go wrong!

Remember you can always send your questions and comments to and follow me on Twitter: @gmsmagazine

Look forward to hearing from you and hope you enjoy the show!

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