Tag: trek

Roleplaying and board games reviews, podcasts, videos and interviews

ACTA: Star Fleet

For almost 25 years I’ve been playing Star Fleet Battles and its derivatives, and while I’m still no expert, I know as much about them as anyone who has played them for any length of time. Ironically, it’s not that I’m that enamored with Star Trek or the Star Trek universe, but more that I’m fascinated by the level of detail that Amarillo Design Bureau (ADB) has put into the game, as well as the idea of big, cool-looking spaceships chewing through one another with energy weapons.

Star Trek: Expeditions

I don’t hate to be wrong, but I really hate to be wrong like this. I broke my own rules, which was stupid in and of itself, and I deserve the outrage that I will be receiving from people who I told were wrong. So, here goes: Reiner Knizia can make an Ameritrashy adventure game. There. I said it. I’m even prepared to say that as highly improbable as it is, the game he made is not only not atrophy your testicles from boredom, it in fact is brilliant fun. I still can’t believe it myself, but it’s true. Star Trek: Expeditions (ST:E) is a really, truly fun, thematic co-op adventure game that not only adheres to its theme, but does so well.

The G*M*S Magazine Podcast Boardgame Edition–Chris Badell and Richard Launius

This is a special episode. It’s special because, for the first time ever, we have a guest for the second time. This has happened in the RPG podcast, but not in the boardgame one.

But first things first. Mark, Lorien and myself give you some quick reviews of some games, Start Trek, Cave Evil and others get a mention after we’ve been playing them, and if you needed to know if you want these games or not, you might be interested in what we have to say.

Star Trek Fleet Captains

I love Star Trek. Always have, always will, I guess. I’m not too fanatical as to have a Star Trek crew shirt or know every character’s name and go to Comicon to meet the actors and such but I do love Star Trek.

The Superfly Circus GenCon 2011 Special Edition Magazine

I’m back from GenCon, and because I love my readers so very much, I took the time to go the extra mile. Not only did I do my usual write-up, I did it in e-magazine format! You seriously need to check out all the crazy stuff I saw at GenCon this year, and there’s all…
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