RPG Video Review – La Mirada del Centinela

La_Mirada_del_Ce_5011bf13934f4By Paco Garcia Jaen

La Mirada del Centinela is a RPG that came out in Spain a couple of years ago and published by NoSoloRol, one of the most promising companies in Spain at the moment.

A super hero game with a background very close to that of Batman, the game plays to the vigilante theme and puts the players to become either the Centinela, the mythic hero who started it all a few decades ago, or on of his sidekicks.

With a setting that spans three generations and different styles of play, this game does a tremendous job of taking a theme and making it accessible for everyone.

Here’s my video review with an assessment of the production values and a quick overview of the rules.

Hope you enjoy!

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