Raging Swan Press releases So What’s The Riddle Like, Anyway?

Riddle_front_new_220[1]This week, Raging Swan Press is proud to announce the release of So What’s The Riddle Like, Anyway? a Pathfinder Roleplaying Game compatible GM’s RESOURCE by Liz Smith

Your PCs are deep in the dungeon and have just encountered a terrifying monster which they have no chance of defeating. Luckily, the monster is bored and challenges the party to a riddling contest instead of simply just killing them. Alternatively, the party have encountered a sentient statue that will not let them past until they have answered three riddles correctly. At this point, a GM may panic and just handwave the ensuing riddles or allow the PCs to answer them correctly by making skill checks.

So What’s The Riddle Like, Anyway? banishes this problem by providing scores of ready-to-use riddles ready to insert into almost any GM’s campaign. Now a GM (or aspiring bard) has loads of riddles in his arsenal ready to strike fear into the hearts of those hearing them!

You can download a sample and check out the contents here.

And don’t forget, So What’s the Riddle Like, Anyway? is a Dual Format PDF and is included in Raging Swan’s Free PDFs promotion.

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