Quick Preview Heroes of NeoExodus: Chanda Kesin

109651By Thilo Graf

This pdf is 6 pages long, 1 page front cover, 1 page editorial, leaving us with 4 pages of content, so let’s check this out!

Chanda Kesin (which actually means “One from the North”), is a human female of Khymerion stock and her name is unknown – what is known, though, is that she is a foe to oppressors, a deadly opponent on the battlefield. PCs may encounter her as she stalks slavers, be manipulated into conflict with her or simply end on the wrong end of her axe/punching dagger, for Chanda’s true foes are the extremely secretive cadre of foes detailed in the Enemies of NeoExodus-supplement, The Crimson Hand.

While not per se required to get all out of Chanda, the inclusion of the organization will definitely increase her usefulness and entrenched value in the setting. Chanda comes with 4 different incarnations, all straight-forward and linear progressions of her chosen profession, that of the Barbarian (Legendary Killer). We get iterations for her ranging from level 3 (CR 4), level 8 (CR 9), level 12 (CR 13) and level 18 (CR 19). Each of her statblocks comes with stats for her raging as well, which is a nice bonus.


Editing and formatting are very good, I didn’t notice any significant glitches. Layout in both the parchment-style and printer-friendly version is full-colour, 2-column and drop-dead-gorgeous. The artwork provided for Chanda is top-notch and glorious. The pdf has no bookmarks, but doesn’t necessarily need them at this length.

Chanda Kesin is a cool NPC with top-notch production values for a fair price. While I don’t consider her to be extremely ingenious, she delivers what she sets out to do. All in all, a solid NPC-offering with a great artwork and definitely worth my final verdict of 4 stars, falling flat of the 5 only due to her build being not that complex.

Endzeitgeist out.

Quick Preview Heroes of NeoExodus: Chanda Kesin is available from:


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