Interview with Samuel James Richard III from Tweet RPG at the UK Games Expo

TweetRPGlogo_Blue[1]If you think you’ve done all you could in Twitter, I think you should listen to this interview. You might find that there is still a bit to be discovered and games to be played!

Tweet RPG is a free online game that allows you to play through Twitter. I must admit the concept is not that easy for me to grasp, so I was very happy to chat with Samuel so he could explain everything!

From the Tweet RPG website:

Tweet RPG is a free online role-playing experience, which utilises Twitter to provide users with an innovative new way of enjoying text-based adventures. The twist with Tweet RPG is that you aren’t the only one making the decisions; everyone playing has a chance to shape the story. Tweet RPG followers can cast their votes as to how the current adventure should unfold, with the majority choice leading the way.


Let’s find out about Tweeter and RPGs!
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