Ian Livingstone and Steve Jackson at Dragonmeet

dragonmeet_500[1]The USA has GenCon and in the UK we have Dragonmeet.

It might not have the size and length of GenCon, but it is a seriously cool little convention that takes place every in London and gathers the most prestigious publishers in the British scene and some of the most well-respected authors in the RPG arena.

But it also attracts other type of authors and designers who have been pivotal in the development of gaming scene country-wide, In this instance, safe to say world-wide.

Testament to the reputation of Dragonmeet is the regular presence of Ian Livingstone and Steve Jackson, the two men who, in their younger years, introduced Dungeons & Dragons to the British publish, created Games Workshop and the enormously successful series of Fighting Fantasy books.

But since we recorded the seminar and it is a lot more comprehensive (and entertaining) than me writing about them, sit back and enjoy!


Ian Livingstone and Steve Jackson at Dragonmeet
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