Fantastic Maps – Trader’s Warf

109700By Thilo Graf

This installment of Jonathan Robert’s Fantastic Maps series is 35 pages long, 1 page front cover, 1 page how-to use, leaving 33 pages for the maps, so let’s take a look!

This map depicts a wharf with one one-mast ship as well as a storage house that sports multiple planks of wood, crates, barrels, sacks and similar goods. Detailed in gorgeous full-colour with grids, the one-page map is beautiful and the pdf also provides 16 pages of blown-up versions of the map in colour and 16 in B7w to print out the map with its grid and put miniatures on it.

The map also comes with 3 high-res jpegs: One with a grid, one sans grid (for people like yours truly who don’t want necessarily grids in their maps) and one jpegs with something new: Old-school gamers can enjoy the map overlaid with hexes instead of square grids. Nice! Maptool files are also part of the deal, as is a separate pdf of 43 pages that has the map in A4-format for Europeans like yours truly. Cool!


These maps are gorgeous, as is befitting of Jonathan Robert’s craft and the map is useful, neat and a joy to see – the additional jpegs and alternate A4-format being icing on the cake. There is only one thing I’d complain about and that is, that in contrast to other ship-featuring pdfs of the line, we don’t get the lower decks of the ship. Also, be aware that the maps don’t come with layers, meaning that if you want the storage house instead be a contour, you’ll be out of luck: One level of layers to get rid of planks, barrels and the like to further customize the map would have made this good map stand out as awesome. As provided, I’ll settle for a final verdict of 4 stars for this installment of the series.

Endzeitgeist out.

Fantastic Maps – Trader’s Warf is available from:


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