Podcast Episode – The RPG Interview Room – Adventures in the East Mark with Extra-Dimensional Publishing
By Paco Garcia Jaen If you’re not tired of hearing me to on about it, please let me give you […]
By Paco Garcia Jaen If you’re not tired of hearing me to on about it, please let me give you […]
Another Spanish game that caught my eye and did it with good reasons. It has exploration, lovely artwork, it’s very thematic and it comes from GenX in Spain, a company that has delivered some truly impressive titles in the past.
The Northwest Passage is a sea route that lies between northern Canada and the North Pole, joining the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. The first expeditions took place after the discovery of America due to the need of the English to connect both coasts of the Americas to avoid edging the whole continent. However, it was not until the beginning of the 20th century when the adventurous spirit of sailors led them to discover this passage.
In Inquisitio, the players are people accused of witchcraft and being tortured by the Spanish Inquisition (I know “No one expects the Spanish Inquisition”. Let’s get that joke out of the way… yawn!) to extract confessions. And it is rather brutal, as brutal as the methods the Inquisition used in the name of God.
The Siege of Pensacola pits a numerically large but fragile Spanish army, supported by a small corps of French allies