Writing RPG adventures – steps 1 to 10
This is the first of two videos in which I give you twenty steps to designing and writing your RPG […]
This is the first of two videos in which I give you twenty steps to designing and writing your RPG […]
This installment of RiP’s free e-zine is 46 pages long, 1 page front cover, 1 page editorial, 1 page SRD, 18 pages of advertisements, leaving 25 pages of content for our perusal, so let’s check out what we get, shall we?
The second instalment of the Book of the Faithful series contains powerful magical weapons, all infused with the soul of a former believer or trapped within.
Many magazines have tried in the past to make an impact in the gaming market for many many years. Most of them have perished either for lack of readership (though I doubt that very much) or lack of revenue (getting hotter!) or simply because the owner wanted to make sure they had complete control over the contents and wanted to go fully digital (no prizes for guessing here!).
That has left the market for those of us who like to read on paper as well as on screen very starved!
Enter Kobold Quarterly. And what an entrance it is!
Guards Tank: The Battle of Prochorovka, July 1943, designed by Joseph Miranda, is the first of the new East Front