
30 Badges of Faith

This pdf from Rite Publishing is 18 pages long, 1 page front cover, 1 page editorial, 1 page SRD and 2 pages of advertisement, leaving 13 pages of content for the new badges of faith, so what exactly are these badges?

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Thunderstone Dragonspire

I was very fortunate, once again, that the nice people at AEG sent me out a copy of Dragonspire to try out and, spoiler alert, I’m having a lot of fun with it. I’ve never played a deck building game before and to be honest the concept never really appealed to me but Thunderstone has hit the table every night this week.

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Figurines of Wondrous Power

This PLAYER’S RESOURCE contains detailed write-ups of all nine versions of this iconic wondrous item including full stat blocks for all the animals they represent. Designed to easily fit into your character’s folder, each figurine of wondrous power entry contains all the information you need to quickly and easily get the most out of these iconic magic items.

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The Scepter of Zavandor

In The Scepter of Zavandor, the players are magic students amassing power to claim the game named scepter. SoZ is a brutal snowball economy game with an auction component as the main player interaction. Given this description, I should 1) not enjoy the game and 2) be fairly terrible at it. I was fascinated, if a bit overwhelmed, the first time I played it. With each subsequent play, I have liked it more and more. Even more surprising, I am very competitive at the game. After a few attempts, players learn what is and is not a good idea and then develop a sense of what strategies are viable.

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