Tag: city

Roleplaying and board games reviews, podcasts, videos and interviews

The Sunken City

Herein is presented an unusual and atmospheric place to explore. As usual, 0one Games’s technical ability shines with especial mention due to the ‘water’ overlay, showing what you’d see of this sunken city from above the water – anyone who’s gone diving or even snorkelled will appreciate how different things look from above and below water!

Cold City

Cold City, from Contested Ground Studios, is one of the most innovative RPGs I’ve played in a long time. I was first attracted to it by its setting, namely Berlin in 1950, at the beginning of the Cold War. It mixes the suspicion and politics of the early Cold War with the ‘weird science’ of an alternative WW2, quite a popular trope these days.

Lost Cities, by Michael Schroeder

For the daring and adventurous, there are many lost cities to explore. They are in the Himalayas, the ever-shifting sands of the desert, the Brazilian rain forest, ancient volcanoes and in Neptune’s Realm. With limited resources the players must choose which expeditions to begin. Those with high confidence may want to up the stakes: increasing…
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City of Strangers : Pathfinder Chronicles

In the outcast city of Kaer Maga, your business is your own, and no ware is too dangerous or taboo to find a buyer. Within the walls of the ancient, ruined fortress, refugees and criminals from every nation disappear into the swirling crowds of gangs and monsters. Here leech-covered bloatmages haggle with religious zealots who sew…
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Vor Rukoth

Providing material that will empower the GMs and player’s imagination is probably the best way to keep a game alive and well. Creating products that enable people to create their own adventures, their own ideas is probably one of the best strategies for a game development. If you only give supplements but not a way to develop…
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