Category: Reviews

Roleplaying and board games reviews, podcasts, videos and interviews

gms academy in media res
necronomnomnom review
Mountains of Madness from Iello

Mountains of Madness: Board game review

Mountains of Madness is a cooperative game for two to five people published by Iello at Spiel 2017. Lovecraft will have a grip on our geeky hearts for the foreseeable future, it seems, because games based on his literature tend to do very well. However most games have had a very dark and gritty atmosphere…
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Video review – Simurgh, from NSKN

Simurgh was published by NSKN just two years ago and, as a game all about dragons and since I am pretty Dragons nut, I had to try it. A worker placement and resource management game for 2 to 5 people that plays in around 90 minutes, this game has a pretty original feature, and is…
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Boardgame review – What’s Up

What’s up is a memory game for two to four players from Strawberry Studios that plays in 15 to 20 minutes in which players must create collections of birds to become the winners. There is little else to say, as thematically What’s Up could be anything, so there is no story background or mechanics to…
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