Tag: straight

Roleplaying and board games reviews, podcasts, videos and interviews

"Eveyrone is welcome at my table", for real?

“Everyone is welcome at my table”? For real, Dear Some Straight Gamer?

Many times, when I ask people to consider adding or including LGTQI in their RPGs, I get back the argument “everyone’s welcome at my table”. I even hear that when I am trying to talk about having more LGBTQI in the books, not around the table. And yet, it invariably comes up. This video has…
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Dear Some Straight Gamers Video – Pilot Episode

As a gay man, I suffer from some issues that straight people don’t even realise are there. It is rare the day I don’t hear or see someone using my sexual orientation as a form of insult or denigration. The thing is, I don’t feel people do it maliciously. It is just an internalised homophobia…
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Podcast Episode – Dear Some Straight Gamers – Pilot Episode

Dear Some Straight Gamers is a new show in our podcast channel that deals with issues that LGBTQI+ face in our hobby. Although tabletop gaming is a pretty inclusive and welcoming environment, there are still pockets of straight people who insist on erasing anyone who does not identify as heterosexual from games and even the…
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