Tag: setting

Roleplaying and board games reviews, podcasts, videos and interviews

La Piel de Toro

La Piel de Toro, called like that as some people think the extended skin of a bull has the shape of the Iberian Peninsula, is a description of Spain in the 1920’s for the Call of Cthulhu. As you can imagine written in Spanish, so if you don’t know the lingo, this will be of no use to you.

A Kiss of Death

A 500 years old mummy has been discovered in an old crypt in the mountains near the town. The mummy is the body of a 18 year old princess, once sacrificed to the gods in an attempt to save the civilization from destruction. The princess was sacrificed against her will, and had to be forced to death.

Dark Sun Creature Catalogue

By Christopher W. Richeson In Short, The Creature Catalog offers monsters, important NPCs, templates, hazards, and other options to help bring a Dark Sun campaign to life. This imaginative resource provides excellent support for any Dark Sun game, and further fleshes out the setting through its discussion of the many hazards of daily life. With…
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