Tag: Mythos

Roleplaying and board games reviews, podcasts, videos and interviews

Podcast Episode – The Boardgame Review Room: Cthulhu Wars

Probably the most anticipated game I’ve backed in Kickstarter, Cthulhu Wars was going to be a massive hit or a huge flop. In this game, you, the player, take the role of one of four faction of Great Ones who are battling to conquer our planet and turn it into your realm. You’ll have to…
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Letter from Innsmouth. Nana

Hello Dear,

I am so sorry I haven’t been in touch for so long. The nice people at the institution where I live said they didn’t have any pens left, which is very strange because how do they write then? And I know they do because I have seen her coming into my room with notepads but not with pens.

I don’t know dear, I’m just a silly old woman, so what do I know?

Achtung! Cthulhu – The Investigator’s Guide to the Secret War & The Keeper’s Guide to the Secret War launch on Kickstarter

British publisher Modiphius, is taking to crowdsourcing platform Kickstarter.com to bring its dark vision of a secret World War Two to life. Inspired by the Cthulhu Mythos of HP Lovecraft, Modiphius Entertainment is launching the Keeper’s and the Investigator’s Guides to the Secret War for use in the terrifying World War Two roleplaying game setting,…
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YOU are the Maniac! Limited Edition Card Game Available Exclusively on Kickstarter

NEVADA CITY, CALIFORNIA – (October 1, 2012) – Mythos Labs announced today the upcoming limited edition release of YOU are the Maniac! the horror movie themed card game, available exclusively on the “Give Us A Hand” Kickstarter campaign, now through November 13, 2012. “We are thrilled to unveil YOU are the Maniac! to our fellow…
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The G*M*S Magazine Podcast Episode 56–Shadows Over Scotland with Stuart Boon

Shadows Over Scotland won the Origins Award this year and also the Ennie for the best setting at GenCon. To achieve that is quite incredible and for Stuart Boon this has been quite an incredible year!